Senin, 28 Februari 2011

ABK Tewas di Atas Kapal

Anak Buah Kapal (ABK) KM. Indah Fajar, meninggal dunia di atas kapal saat berjaga malam di Pelabuhan Sri Bayintan, Kijang, Bintan Timur, Pulau Bintan, Senin 928/02/11), Senin pagi jenazah korban dilarikan ke Puskesmas Kijang dan dirujuk ke RSU Tanjungpinang untuk dilakukan otopti. Kasus kematian ABK Indah Fajar ini sedang dalam pengusutan jajaran Polsek Bintan Timur.

Petugas kepolisian Sektor Bintan Timur membenarkan kasus ini dan pihaknya sedang menyelidiki penyebab kematian korban.(warnawarni-news)

1 komentar:

  1. Ship's Men (ABK) KM. Beautiful Dawn, died on the boat during the night vigil in the port of Sri Bayintan, Deer, East Bintan, Bintan Island, Monday 928/02/11) on Monday morning the victim's body was rushed to a health center and was referred to public hospitals Deer Tanjungpinang to do otopti. Beautiful Dawn deaths ABK is currently under police investigation on the ranks of East Bintan.

    Sector East Bintan police officers confirmed the case and it is investigating the cause of death of the victim. (multicolor-news)
